In 1999 Barcelona Harbour Authority launched a tender to connect the “Adosado” and “Poniente” docks, but assuring an horizontal and vertical clearances of 85 m and 25 m, respectively; allowing great vessels traffic was a priority, so a great span movable bridge was needed.
After having studied several typologies, we reached the conclusion that the best solution, structurally, functionally, economically and aesthetically was a bascule bridge, made up with two movable frames, that in union with the Dock-Piers, results in a real gate, the Europe Gate Bridge.
With a distance between rotation hinges of 109 m, this bascule bridge is one of the largest of this typology in the world. Conceived as a stayed deck, the stays with their rigid steel box section, are not only helping to support gravity forces but also the important wind forces when the bridge is opened.
Its two leaves, with concrete piers and counterweights, have their front deck and counterweight centers of gravity aligned with its rotation hinges in order to ease operations.
The main water piers are open concrete boxes full of visual force and dynamic feeling. Their opening allows the appreciation , showing to people how this structure moves while opens and closes the maritime way.
Owner: Autoridad Portuaria de Barcelona
Project: Juan José Arenas (A&A), M. Pantaléon
Total length: 137 m. Deck width: 13 m. Main span: 109 m
Contractor: UTE FCC - Guinovart
Arenas & Asociados’ Role: Complete project developer